Haikyuu Tokyo Teams Exchange 2022

About The Event

The Tokyo Teams Exchange is a Fic + Art exchange centered around the high school teams located in and around the Tokyo Metropolis! For a full list of the teams this encompasses, click here



  • This event is entirely SFW. No NSFW content will be permitted in both the discord server and your creations. Please be very respectful of this policy.

  • Because this is a SFW event, all creators aged 13+ are permitted to participate

  • The main characters of your creations must have attended the schools listed on this site.

  • This event absolutely allows the creation of AU and canon-divergent pieces, as well as timeskip and pre-canon! We just ask that you follow the spirit of the exchange and create something your giftee would enjoy!

  • Characters outside of the Tokyo teams will be allowed as long as characters within the Tokyo teams remain the focus of the creation.

  • We ask that giftees do not request Dead-dove topics, which are heavily gory, dark, or disturbing themes.

  • This is the Head Mod's FIRST TIME running an event, and while they hope to have a well rounded and helpful mod team behind them, they sincerely ask for your patience and understanding should we come across any obstacles.


  • Must create at least one written piece that has a minimum of 2000 words. There is no maximum. One-shots and multi-chaptered fics are allowed, as long as multi-chaptered fics are near completion, if not fully completed, by the writer’s assigned posting date.


  • Artists must create at least one piece that is fully colored. Rendering, backgrounds and similar detailing are not required, though they are absolutely allowed.


  • Pinch hitters must meet the guidelines above for their respective roles.

  • If a pinch hitter has particular concerns considering Check-in dates, word counts, or overall progress, please contact a mod diligently to sort everything out.


Activity/EventStart DateEnd Date
Preliminary Interest Check (2021)Oct. 10Oct. 24
Interest Check #2 (2022)Jan. 6Jan. 22
Mod ApplicationsJan. 20Jan. 28
Creator Sign-UpsFeb. 7Mar. 7
AssignmentsMar. 18--
Pinch Hitter Sign-UpsMar. 14Mar. 28
Check-in #1Apr. 3Apr. 9
Event ResumesJul. 5-
Pinch Hitter Sign-Ups REOPENJul. 7Jul. 21
Beta Reader Sign-UpsJul. 11Aug. 4
Check-in #2Aug. 1Aug. 7
3rd and Final Check-inSep. 5Sep. 11
Submissions DueOct. 3-
Posting DatesOct. 17+-


Q: What is an Exchange?A: A gift exchange is an event in which participants create fanworks to give to one another.

Q: How does an exchange work?A: Based on the form participants fill out during the sign up period, they will be given a person for whom to create a fanfic or piece of art. Similar to secret santa, participants will not know who is creating their gift.

Q: What is this Exchange About?A: While you can include any AUs and tropes that your giftee has consented to, the main character(s) of the piece must have attended one of the Haikyuu!! schools located in Tokyo. (AUs wherein non-Tokyo characters, such as Hinata or Oikawa, attend Tokyo-based schools do not apply)

Q: What constitutes a 'Tokyo Team?A: Any high school volleyball team located in Tokyo, and the characters that were on the team during Hinata Shouyou's first year at Karasuno. You can find a list here

Q: Will this Exchange be NSFW?A: Due to the fact that the head mod is a minor, this event will be strictly SFW. NSFW discussions or content of any kind will not be tolerated.

About The Mods